You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

564 lines
25 KiB

2 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
  1. {
  2. "text-guest": "Guest",
  3. "text-read-more": "Read more",
  4. "text-less": "Less",
  5. "text-or": "Or",
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  7. "description": "Track Order",
  8. "error-heading": "Error code: 404",
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  17. "auth-menu-logout": "Logout",
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  19. "change-locale": "Switch to german",
  20. "admin-login-title": "Login to dashboard",
  21. "admin-register-title": "Register new account",
  22. "billing-address": "Billing Address",
  23. "shipping-address": "Shipping Address",
  24. "no-order-found": "No Order Found",
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  26. "no-notification-found": "No Notification Found",
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  30. "order-discount": "Discount",
  31. "order-total": "Total",
  32. "signing-out-text": "Signing out...",
  33. "sale-history": "Sales History",
  34. "january": "January",
  35. "february": "February",
  36. "march": "March",
  37. "april": "April",
  38. "may": "May",
  39. "june": "June",
  40. "july": "July",
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  42. "september": "September",
  43. "october": "October",
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  45. "december": "December",
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  72. "sidebar-nav-item-vendor-staffs": "Vendor Staffs",
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  81. "text-terms-conditions": "Terms And Conditions",
  82. "text-listed-terms-conditions": "Listed Terms And Conditions",
  83. "text-create-terms-conditions": "Create Terms And Conditions",
  84. "text-add-terms-conditions": "Add Terms And Conditions",
  85. "text-edit": "Edit",
  86. "text-view": "View",
  87. "text-see-all-notification": "See all notification",
  88. "text-see-all-notifications": "See all notifications",
  89. "text-vendors": "Vendors",
  90. "text-admins": "Admins",
  91. "text-ban-user": "Ban User",
  92. "text-activate-user": "Activate User",
  93. "update-success": "Successfully updated!",
  94. "name-required": "You must need to provide a name",
  95. "email-required": "You must need to provide your email address",
  96. "invalid-email": "Provided email address format is not valid",
  97. "password-required": "You must need to provide your password",
  98. "currency-required": "Please select a currency",
  99. "token-required": "You must need to provide your token address",
  100. "confirm-password": "Please confirm password!",
  101. "password-should-match": "Passwords should match!",
  102. "invalid-token": "Invalid Token!",
  103. "status-required": "Status is required",
  104. "type-required": "Type is required",
  105. "amount-required": "Amount is required",
  106. "amount-greater-than-zeo": "Amount must be greater than zero",
  107. "code-required": "Code is required",
  108. "serial-required": "Serial is required",
  109. "color-required": "Color is required",
  110. "tax-required": "Tax rate is required",
  111. "tax-greater-than-zeo": "Tax must be greater than zero",
  112. "tax-must-be-integer": "Tax must be integer",
  113. "serial-greater-than-zeo": "Serial must be greater than zero",
  114. "serial-must-be-integer": "Serial must be integer",
  115. "active-from-date-required": "Active from date is required",
  116. "expire-date-required": "Expire date is required",
  117. "delete-item": "Delete Item",
  118. "delete-item-confirm": "Are you sure, you want to delete?",
  119. "button-cancel": "Cancel",
  120. "button-delete": "Delete",
  121. "block-customer": "Block Customer",
  122. "block-customer-confirm": "Are you sure, you want to block this customer?",
  123. "button-block": "Block",
  124. "text-permission-message": "Your shop is not activated yet. You can't proceed further operations.",
  125. "sidebar-nav-item-staffs": "Staff",
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  140. "text-faq": "FAQ",
  141. "text-no-search": "No search left",
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  149. "text-payment-info": "Payment Information",
  150. "text-shop-dashboard": "View Dashboard",
  151. "text-no-shop": "No Shops Found",
  152. "text-px": "px",
  153. "text-create-shop": "Create Shop",
  154. "text-add-your": "Please add your",
  155. "text-pending": "Pending",
  156. "text-approved": "Approved",
  157. "text-on-hold": "On hold",
  158. "text-rejected": "Rejected",
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  168. "text-is-created": "is Created",
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  172. "text-no-address": "No Address Found",
  173. "text-withdrawal-info": "Withdrawal Information",
  174. "password-changed-successfully": "Successfully changed your password!",
  175. "successfully-updated": "Successfully updated!",
  176. "successfully-created": "Successfully created!",
  177. "successfully-deleted": "Successfully deleted!",
  178. "successfully-decline": "Successfully decline!",
  179. "successfully-unblock": "Unblock Successfully.",
  180. "successfully-block": "Block Successfully.",
  181. "successfully-logout": "Logout Successfully.",
  182. "successfully-register": "Register Successfully.",
  183. "successfully-login": "Login Successfully.",
  184. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.NOT_FOUND": "Not Found",
  185. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.NOT_AUTHORIZED": "Not Authorized",
  186. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.INVALID_CREDENTIALS": "Invalid Credentials",
  187. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG": "Something went wrong",
  188. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.PAYMENT_FAILED": "Payment Failed",
  189. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.OPERATION_NOT": "Operation Not",
  190. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE": "Insufficient Balance",
  191. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.WITHDRAW_MUST_BE_ATTACHED_TO_SHOP": "Withdrawal must be attached to shop",
  192. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.PLEASE_LOGIN_USING_FACEBOOK_OR_GOOGLE": "Please login using Facebook or Google",
  193. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.ACTION_NOT_VALID": "Action not valid",
  194. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.SHOP_NOT_APPROVED": "Shop not approved",
  195. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.ALREADY_REFUNDED": "Refund Already Approved",
  196. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.INVALID_GATEWAY": "Invalid Gateway",
  197. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.OTP_SEND_FAIL": "OTP send failed",
  198. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.OTP_VERIFICATION_FAILED": "OTP verification failed",
  199. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.CONTACT_UPDATE_FAILED": "Fail to update contact information",
  200. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.ORDER_ALREADY_HAS_REFUND_REQUEST": "Order already has refund request",
  201. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.REFUND_ONLY_ALLOWED_FOR_MAIN_ORDER": "Refund only allowed for main order",
  202. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.WRONG_REFUND": "Wrong refund",
  203. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.CSV_NOT_FOUND": "CSV not found",
  204. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.USER_NOT_FOUND": "User not found",
  205. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
  206. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.INVALID_COUPON_CODE": "Invalid coupon code! please try again.",
  207. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.COUPON_CODE_IS_NOT_APPLICABLE": "Sorry, This coupon can't satisfy your order amount.",
  208. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.ALREADY_FREE_SHIPPING_ACTIVATED": "Already free shipping activated! please try again.",
  210. "PICKBAZAR_MESSAGE.CHECK_INBOX_FOR_PASSWORD_RESET_EMAIL": "Check inbox for password reset email",
  211. "PICKBAZAR_MESSAGE.SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG": "Something went wrong",
  212. "PICKBAZAR_MESSAGE.TOKEN_IS_VALID": "Token is valid",
  213. "PICKBAZAR_MESSAGE.INVALID_TOKEN": "Token is not valid",
  214. "PICKBAZAR_MESSAGE.PASSWORD_RESET_SUCCESSFUL": "Password reset successful",
  215. "PICKBAZAR_MESSAGE.INVALID_CREDENTIALS": "Provided credentials is not valid",
  216. "PICKBAZAR_MESSAGE.EMAIL_SENT_SUCCESSFUL": "Email successfully sent",
  218. "PICKBAZAR_MESSAGE.OTP_SEND_SUCCESSFUL": "Successfully sent an OTP",
  219. "PICKBAZAR_MESSAGE.REQUIRED_INFO_MISSING": "Required information is missing",
  220. "PICKBAZAR_MESSAGE.CONTACT_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL": "Successfully updated contact information",
  221. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.YOU_CAN_NOT_SEND_MESSAGE_TO_YOUR_OWN_SHOP": "You can't send message to your own shop",
  222. "text-access-denied": "Access Denied",
  223. "text-access-denied-message": "You don't have the permission to access this page.",
  224. "text-return-home": "Return to home",
  225. "text-upload-highlight": "Upload an image",
  226. "text-upload-message": "or drag and drop",
  227. "text-img-format": "PNG, JPG",
  228. "text-shop-approve-button": "Submit",
  229. "text-shop-approve-title": "Disapprove Shop",
  230. "text-shop-approve-description": "Are you sure?",
  231. "text-approve-shop": "Approve Shop",
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  233. "filter-by-tag": "Filter By Tag",
  234. "filter-by-group-placeholder": "Filter by Brand",
  235. "text-disapprove-shop": "Disapprove Shop ?",
  236. "filter-by-category": "Filter By Category",
  237. "filter-by-author": "Filter by Author",
  238. "filter-by-category-placeholder": "Filter by Category",
  239. "filter-by-author-placeholder": "Filter by author",
  240. "filter-by-reason": "Filter By Reason",
  241. "filter-by-reason-placeholder": "Filter by Reason",
  242. "filter-by-order": "Order By",
  243. "filter-by-order-placeholder": "Order By",
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  247. "text-banner": "Banner",
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  249. "text-export-products": "Export Products",
  250. "text-export-product-variations": "Export Product Variations",
  251. "text-import-products": "Import Products",
  252. "text-import-product-variations": "Import Product Variations",
  253. "text-import-attributes": "Import Attributes",
  254. "text-export-attributes": "Export Attributes",
  255. "attribute-imported-successfully": "Attributes Imported Successfully",
  256. "product-imported-successfully": "Products Imported Successfully",
  257. "variation-options-imported-successfully": "Variation Options Imported Successfully",
  258. "PICKBAZAR_ERROR.WRONG_CSV": "You have uploaded the wrong csv file!",
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  269. "text-most-rated-products": "Top 10 Most Rated Products",
  270. "text-most-category-products": "Top 10 Category with most products",
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  273. "text-report-reason": "Report Product Review",
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  277. "text-monthly": "Monthly",
  278. "text-yearly": "Yearly",
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  280. "text-no-image-found": "No image found",
  281. "MARVEL_ERROR.ALREADY_REFUNDED": "Already Refunded",
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  285. "text-add-cart": "Add To Shopping Cart",
  286. "text-close": "close",
  287. "text-no-products": "No products found",
  288. "text-checkout": "Checkout",
  289. "text-yes": "Yes",
  290. "text-make-admin": "Assign Or Revoke Admin Permission ",
  291. "text-description-make-admin": "Are you sure you want to assign/revoke admin permission?",
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  293. "text-contact-number": "Contact Number",
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  295. "text-shipping-address": "Shipping Address",
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  297. "text-no-customer": "No Customer Found",
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  301. "text-update": "Update",
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  320. "text-proceed-checkout": "Proceed to checkout",
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  328. "text-coupon-required": "A Coupon code is required",
  329. "text-apply": "Apply",
  330. "text-choose-payment": "Choose Payment Method",
  331. "text-cod-message": "Please Pay After You Receive Your Goods!",
  332. "text-payable": "Payable",
  333. "text-cash-message": "Please pay with cash",
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  350. "error-author-name-required": "Author name is required",
  351. "error-manufacturer-name-required": "Manufacturer name is required",
  352. "error-invalid-coupon": "This coupon code is not valid",
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  354. "text-not-found": "Sorry, No Product Found :(",
  355. "text-notice-not-found": "Sorry, No Notice Found :(",
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  367. "text-deals": "Deals",
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  369. "sort-by-quantity": "Sort by Quantity",
  370. "text-by": "By",
  371. "text-accept-report-modal-description": "Are you sure you want to accept this request? It will delete the review.",
  372. "text-accept": "Accept",
  373. "text-decline": "Decline",
  374. "text-decline-report-modal-description": "Are you sure you want to decline this request?",
  375. "text-abuse-report": "Abusive Report",
  376. "text-abuse-report-submitted": "Abusive report submitted successfully",
  377. "text-report": "Report",
  378. "text-summary": "Summary",
  379. "text-7day-subscription": "You have a 7-day free subscription.",
  380. "text-1-month-subscription": "You have a 1-Month free subscription.",
  381. "text-3-month-subscription": "You have a 3-Month free subscription.",
  382. "text-6-month-subscription": "You have a 6-Month free subscription.",
  383. "text-1-year-subscription": "You have a 1-Year free subscription.",
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  396. "text-visit-store": "Visit Store",
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  398. "text-sent-new-store-notice": "created a new store notice.",
  399. "text-sent-new-message": "sent a new message.",
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  402. "text-translated-title": "Edit",
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  410. "error-invalid-file-type": "Your uploaded file type isn't supported",
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  414. "order-cancelled": "Cancelled",
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  429. "text-messages": "Messages",
  430. "text-location": "Location",
  431. "text-webhook-url": "Webhook URL",
  432. "email-not-verified": "Your email is not verified. Please verify your email first.",
  433. "license-not-verified": "Your license is not verified. Please verify your license first.",
  434. "text-no-message-found": "Opps! You haven't stared any conversation yet!",
  435. "text-no-shop-found": "Opps! There's no shop available.",
  436. "text-starting-chat": "Starting Chat",
  437. "text-start-conversation": "Starting Conversation",
  438. "text-input-search": "Search by shop (type at least 3 character)",
  439. "text-compose": "Compose Message",
  440. "text-inbox-empty": "Your Inbox is Empty",
  441. "text-blocked-content-one": "You blocked messages from",
  442. "text-account": "account",
  443. "text-blocked-content-two": "You can't message them in this chat, and you won't receive their messages.",
  444. "text-something-wrong": "Something going wrong",
  445. "text-select-your-conversation": "Select Your Conversation",
  446. "notice-active-date": "Active Date",
  447. "notice-created-by": "Created By",
  448. "notice-expire-date": "Expire Date",
  449. "text-empty-notice": "Empty Notice",
  450. "text-load-more": "Load More",
  451. "text-back-to-home": "Back to home",
  452. "text-select-payment-gateway": "Select Payment Gateway",
  453. "text-select-default-payment-gateway": "Set default payment gateway",
  454. "text-message-sent": "Message Sent...",
  455. "text-order-pending": "Order Pending",
  456. "text-order-processing": "Order Processing",
  457. "text-order-at-local-facility": "Order at local facility",
  458. "text-order-out-for-delivery": "Order Out For Delivery",
  459. "text-order-completed": "Order Completed",
  460. "text-order-cancelled": "Order Cancelled",
  461. "text-order-refunded": "Order Refunded",
  462. "text-total-amount": "Total Amount",
  463. "text-shipping-charge": "Shipping Charge",
  464. "text-paid-from-wallet": "Paid From Wallet",
  465. "text-total-item": "Total Item",
  466. "text-deliver-time": "Delivery Time",
  467. "text-order-failed": "Order Failed",
  468. "text-paid_from_wallet": "Wallet Payment",
  469. "text-amount-due": "Amount Due",
  470. "text-refund-policies": "Refund Policies",
  471. "text-refund-reasons": "Refund Reasons",
  472. "text-select-refund-policy-for": "Select Refund Policy For",
  473. "filter-by-refund-policy": "Filter By User Group",
  474. "filter-by-notification-type": "Filter By Notification Type",
  475. "filter-by-status": "Filter By Status",
  476. "percentage": "Percentage",
  477. "text-approval-action": "Approval Action",
  478. "text-enable-gateway": "Enable Gateway",
  479. "text-currency-options": "Currency Options",
  480. "text-seo": "SEO",
  481. "text-max-search-location-distance": "Maximum Search Location Distance(km)",
  482. "text-main": "Main",
  483. "text-shop-management": "Shop management",
  484. "text-all-shops": "All shops",
  485. "text-add-all-shops": "Add new shop",
  486. "text-inactive-shops": "Inactive/New shops",
  487. "text-product-management": "Product management",
  488. "text-all-products": "All Product",
  489. "text-create-products": "Create Product",
  490. "text-new-products": "Add new product",
  491. "text-my-draft": "My Draft",
  492. "text-my-draft-products": "My Draft products",
  493. "text-all-out-of-stock": "All Low & Out of Stock products",
  494. "text-inventory": "Inventory",
  495. "text-e-commerce-management": "E-commerce Management",
  496. "text-reported-refunds": "Reported refunds",
  497. "text-new-refund-policy": "Add new refund policy",
  498. "text-new-refund-reasons": "Add new refund reason",
  499. "text-page-control": "Layout/Page control",
  500. "text-groups": "Brands",
  501. "text-faqs": "FAQs",
  502. "text-all-faqs": "All FAQs",
  503. "text-new-faq": "Add new FAQ",
  504. "text-all-terms": "All Terms",
  505. "text-new-terms": "Add new Terms",
  506. "text-order-management": "Order management",
  507. "text-transactions": "Transactions",
  508. "text-user-control": "User control",
  509. "text-all-users": "All users",
  510. "text-admin-list": "Admin list",
  511. "text-all-vendors": "All vendors",
  512. "text-pending-vendors": "Pending vendors",
  513. "text-customers": "Customers",
  514. "text-feedback-control": "Feedback control",
  515. "text-promotional-management": "Promotional management",
  516. "text-all-campaigns": "All campaigns",
  517. "text-new-campaigns": "Add new campaigns",
  518. "text-feature-management": "Feature Management",
  519. "text-site-management": "Site management",
  520. "text-general-settings": "General settings",
  521. "text-payment-settings": "Payment settings",
  522. "text-seo-settings": "SEO settings",
  523. "text-events-settings": "Events settings",
  524. "text-shop-settings": "Shop settings",
  525. "text-company-settings": "Company Information",
  526. "text-maintenance-settings": "Maintenance Settings",
  527. "text-financial-management": "Financial Management",
  528. "text-promotional-control": "Promotional control",
  529. "text-available-flash-deals": "Available flash deals",
  530. "text-my-products-in-deals": "My products in deals",
  531. "text-page-management": "Layout/Page management",
  532. "text-low-out-of-stock": "Low & Out of Stock",
  533. "text-no-log-found": "No Notification found",
  534. "fixed_rate": "Fixed Rate",
  535. "text-preview": "Preview",
  536. "text-shop-disapprove-description": "Then all the products created in this shop will be drafted.",
  537. "button-label-update-terms-conditions": "Update terms and conditions.",
  538. "button-label-add-terms-conditions": "Add terms and conditions.",
  539. "text-add-wallet-points": "Add Wallet Points",
  540. "text-maintenance-mode-title": "Maintenance Mode Begins In",
  541. "text-maintenance-mode-start-title": "Maintenance mode is start.",
  542. "text-top-bar-search-placeholder": "Search your route...",
  543. "text-title-commission": "Commission",
  544. "text-title-sale": "Sale",
  545. "text-title-balance": "Balance",
  546. "text-title-withdraw": "Withdraw",
  547. "text-title-description": "Description",
  548. "text-approve": "Approve",
  549. "text-disapprove": "Disapprove",
  550. "text-approve-coupon": "Approve Coupon",
  551. "text-want-approve-coupon": "Are you want to approve the coupon?",
  552. "text-want-disapprove-coupon": "Are you want to disapprove the coupon?",
  553. "text-disapprove-coupon": "Disapprove Coupon",
  554. "text-all-coupons": "All coupons",
  555. "text-new-coupon": "Add new coupon",
  556. "text-transfer-shop-ownership": "Transfer Ownership",
  557. "successfully-transferred": "Ownership has been Transferred Successfully to ",
  558. "text-popup-settings": "Promo Popup",
  559. "text-image-uploading-message": "Please wait! Image is uploading",
  560. "text-quote-title": "Quote",
  561. "text-transfer-shop-ownership-status": "Transfer shop ownership.",
  562. "subscription.title" : "You have a " ,
  563. "text-pixel-dot": "pixel."
  564. }