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43 lines
491 B

  1. # Dependency directories
  2. node_modules/
  3. .yarn/
  4. # Next.js build output
  5. .next/
  6. out/
  7. # Environment variables
  8. .env
  9. .env.local
  10. .env.development.local
  11. .env.test.local
  12. .env.production.local
  13. # IDE and editor directories
  14. .idea/
  15. .vscode/
  16. *.swp
  17. *.swo
  18. # OS generated files
  19. .DS_Store
  20. Thumbs.db
  21. # TypeScript type checking
  22. *.tsbuildinfo
  23. # TailwindCSS JIT generated styles
  24. tailwind.css
  25. safelist.txt
  26. # Logs
  27. logs/
  28. *.log
  29. npm-debug.log*
  30. yarn-debug.log*
  31. yarn-error.log*
  32. # Miscellaneous
  33. .cache/
  34. dist/
  35. *.gz