/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
module.exports = { typescript: { // !! WARN !!
// Dangerously allow production builds to successfully complete even if
// your project has type errors.
// !! WARN !!
ignoreBuildErrors: true, }, eslint: { ignoreDuringBuilds: true, }, i18n: { locales: ['en'], // List all the languages you want to support
defaultLocale: 'en', // The default language of the website
localeDetection: true, // Enable or disable automatic locale detection based on browser settings
}, images: { remotePatterns: [ { protocol: "https", hostname: "images.pexels.com", port: "", pathname: "/**", }, { protocol: "https", hostname: "images.unsplash.com", port: "", pathname: "/**", }, { protocol: "https", hostname: "a0.muscache.com", port: "", pathname: "/**", }, { protocol: "https", hostname: "www.gstatic.com", port: "", pathname: "/**", }, { protocol: "https", hostname: "aqila.nwhco.ir", port: "", pathname: "/**", }, ], },
// const nextConfig = {
// reactStrictMode: false,
// ignoreBuildErrors: true,
// typescript: {
// ignoreBuildErrors: true,
// },
// eslint: {
// ignoreDuringBuilds: true,
// },
// trailingSlash: true,
// };
// module.exports = nextConfig;