return [
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Route Configuration |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Controls the HTTP route that your GraphQL server responds to. | You may set `route` => false, to disable the default route | registration and take full control. | */
'route' => [ /* * The URI the endpoint responds to, e.g. mydomain.com/graphql. */ 'uri' => '/graphql',
/* * Lighthouse creates a named route for convenient URL generation and redirects. */ 'name' => 'graphql',
/* * Beware that middleware defined here runs before the GraphQL execution phase, * make sure to return spec-compliant responses in case an error is thrown. */ 'middleware' => [ \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Support\Http\Middleware\AcceptJson::class,
// Logs in a user if they are authenticated. In contrast to Laravel's 'auth'
// middleware, this delegates auth and permission checks to the field level.
// Logs every incoming GraphQL query.
// \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Support\Http\Middleware\LogGraphQLQueries::class,
/* * The `prefix` and `domain` configuration options are optional. */ //'prefix' => '',
//'domain' => '',
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Authentication Guard |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The guard to use for authenticating GraphQL requests, if needed. | This setting is used whenever Lighthouse looks for an authenticated user, for example in directives | such as `@guard` and when applying the `AttemptAuthentication` middleware. | */
'guard' => 'api',
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Schema Location |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Path to your .graphql schema file. | Additional schema files may be imported from within that file. | */
'schema' => [ 'register' => __DIR__ . '/../src/GraphQL/Schema/schema.graphql', ],
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Schema Cache |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | A large part of schema generation consists of parsing and AST manipulation. | This operation is very expensive, so it is highly recommended to enable | caching of the final schema to optimize performance of large schemas. | */
'cache' => [ /* * Setting to true enables schema caching. */ 'enable' => env('LIGHTHOUSE_CACHE_ENABLE', 'local' !== env('APP_ENV')),
/* * Allowed values: * - 1: uses the store, key and ttl config values to store the schema as a string in the given cache store. * - 2: uses the path config value to store the schema in a PHP file allowing OPcache to pick it up. */ 'version' => env('LIGHTHOUSE_CACHE_VERSION', 1),
/* * The name of the cache item for the schema cache. */ 'version' => env('LIGHTHOUSE_CACHE_VERSION', 1),
/* * Allows using a specific cache store, uses the app's default if set to null. * Only relevant if version is set to 1. */ 'store' => env('LIGHTHOUSE_CACHE_STORE', null),
/* * The name of the cache item for the schema cache. * Only relevant if version is set to 1. */ 'key' => env('LIGHTHOUSE_CACHE_KEY', 'lighthouse-schema'),
/* * Duration in seconds the schema should remain cached, null means forever. * Only relevant if version is set to 1. */ 'ttl' => env('LIGHTHOUSE_CACHE_TTL', null),
/* * File path to store the lighthouse schema. * Only relevant if version is set to 2. */ 'path' => env('LIGHTHOUSE_CACHE_PATH', base_path('bootstrap/cache/lighthouse-schema.php')),
/* * Should the `@cache` directive use a tagged cache? */ 'tags' => false, ],
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Query Cache |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Caches the result of parsing incoming query strings to boost performance on subsequent requests. | */
'query_cache' => [ /* * Setting to true enables query caching. */ 'enable' => env('LIGHTHOUSE_QUERY_CACHE_ENABLE', true),
/* * Allows using a specific cache store, uses the app's default if set to null. */ 'store' => env('LIGHTHOUSE_QUERY_CACHE_STORE', null),
/* * Duration in seconds the query should remain cached, null means forever. */ 'ttl' => env( 'LIGHTHOUSE_QUERY_CACHE_TTL', \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Support\AppVersion::atLeast(5.8) ? null : 365 * 24 * 60 // For Laravel < 5.8 the exact value must be specified and it is counted in minutes
), ],
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Namespaces |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | These are the default namespaces where Lighthouse looks for classes to | extend functionality of the schema. You may pass in either a string | or an array, they are tried in order and the first match is used. | */
'namespaces' => [ 'models' => ['App', 'Marvel\\Database\\Models'], 'queries' => ['App\\GraphQL\\Queries', 'Marvel\\GraphQL\\Queries'], 'mutations' => ['App\\GraphQL\\Mutations', 'Marvel\\GraphQL\\Mutation'], 'subscriptions' => 'App\\GraphQL\\Subscriptions', 'interfaces' => 'App\\GraphQL\\Interfaces', 'unions' => 'App\\GraphQL\\Unions', 'scalars' => 'App\\GraphQL\\Scalars', 'directives' => ['App\\GraphQL\\Directives', 'Marvel\\GraphQL\\Directives'], 'validators' => ['App\\GraphQL\\Validators'], ],
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Security |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Control how Lighthouse handles security related query validation. | Read more at https://webonyx.github.io/graphql-php/security/ | */
'security' => [ 'max_query_complexity' => \GraphQL\Validator\Rules\QueryComplexity::DISABLED, 'max_query_depth' => \GraphQL\Validator\Rules\QueryDepth::DISABLED, 'disable_introspection' => \GraphQL\Validator\Rules\DisableIntrospection::DISABLED, ],
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Pagination |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Set defaults for the pagination features within Lighthouse, such as | the @paginate directive, or paginated relation directives. | */
'pagination' => [ /* * Allow clients to query paginated lists without specifying the amount of items. * Setting this to `null` means clients have to explicitly ask for the count. */ 'default_count' => null,
/* * Limit the maximum amount of items that clients can request from paginated lists. * Setting this to `null` means the count is unrestricted. */ 'max_count' => null, ],
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Debug |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Control the debug level as described in https://webonyx.github.io/graphql-php/error-handling/ | Debugging is only applied if the global Laravel debug config is set to true. | | When you set this value through an environment variable, use the following reference table: | 0 => INCLUDE_NONE | 1 => INCLUDE_DEBUG_MESSAGE | 2 => INCLUDE_TRACE | 3 => INCLUDE_TRACE | INCLUDE_DEBUG_MESSAGE | 4 => RETHROW_INTERNAL_EXCEPTIONS | 5 => RETHROW_INTERNAL_EXCEPTIONS | INCLUDE_DEBUG_MESSAGE | 6 => RETHROW_INTERNAL_EXCEPTIONS | INCLUDE_TRACE | 7 => RETHROW_INTERNAL_EXCEPTIONS | INCLUDE_TRACE | INCLUDE_DEBUG_MESSAGE | 8 => RETHROW_UNSAFE_EXCEPTIONS | 9 => RETHROW_UNSAFE_EXCEPTIONS | INCLUDE_DEBUG_MESSAGE | 10 => RETHROW_UNSAFE_EXCEPTIONS | INCLUDE_TRACE | 11 => RETHROW_UNSAFE_EXCEPTIONS | INCLUDE_TRACE | INCLUDE_DEBUG_MESSAGE | 12 => RETHROW_UNSAFE_EXCEPTIONS | RETHROW_INTERNAL_EXCEPTIONS | 13 => RETHROW_UNSAFE_EXCEPTIONS | RETHROW_INTERNAL_EXCEPTIONS | INCLUDE_DEBUG_MESSAGE | 14 => RETHROW_UNSAFE_EXCEPTIONS | RETHROW_INTERNAL_EXCEPTIONS | INCLUDE_TRACE | 15 => RETHROW_UNSAFE_EXCEPTIONS | RETHROW_INTERNAL_EXCEPTIONS | INCLUDE_TRACE | INCLUDE_DEBUG_MESSAGE | */
'debug' => env('LIGHTHOUSE_DEBUG', \GraphQL\Error\DebugFlag::INCLUDE_DEBUG_MESSAGE | \GraphQL\Error\DebugFlag::INCLUDE_TRACE),
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Error Handlers |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Register error handlers that receive the Errors that occur during execution | and handle them. You may use this to log, filter or format the errors. | The classes must implement \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Execution\ErrorHandler | */
'error_handlers' => [ \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Execution\AuthenticationErrorHandler::class, \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Execution\AuthorizationErrorHandler::class, \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Execution\ValidationErrorHandler::class, \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Execution\ExtensionErrorHandler::class, \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Execution\ReportingErrorHandler::class, ],
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Field Middleware |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Register global field middleware directives that wrap around every field. | Execution happens in the defined order, before other field middleware. | The classes must implement \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Support\Contracts\FieldMiddleware | */
'field_middleware' => [ \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Schema\Directives\TrimDirective::class, \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Schema\Directives\SanitizeDirective::class, \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Validation\ValidateDirective::class, \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Schema\Directives\TransformArgsDirective::class, \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Schema\Directives\SpreadDirective::class, \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Schema\Directives\RenameArgsDirective::class, ],
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Global ID |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The name that is used for the global id field on the Node interface. | When creating a Relay compliant server, this must be named "id". | */
'global_id_field' => 'id',
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Batched Queries |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | GraphQL query batching means sending multiple queries to the server in one request, | You may set this flag to either process or deny batched queries. | */
// 'batched_queries' => true,
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Persisted Queries |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Lighthouse supports Automatic Persisted Queries (APQ), compatible with the | [Apollo implementation](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/performance/apq). | You may set this flag to either process or deny these queries. | */
'persisted_queries' => true,
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Persisted Queries |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Lighthouse supports Automatic Persisted Queries (APQ), compatible with the | [Apollo implementation](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/performance/apq). | You may set this flag to either process or deny these queries. | */
'persisted_queries' => true,
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Transactional Mutations |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | If set to true, mutations such as @create or @update will be | wrapped in a transaction to ensure atomicity. | */
'transactional_mutations' => true,
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Mass Assignment Protection |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | If set to true, mutations will use forceFill() over fill() when populating | a model with arguments in mutation directives. Since GraphQL constrains | allowed inputs by design, mass assignment protection is not needed. | */
'force_fill' => true,
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Batchload Relations |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | If set to true, relations marked with directives like @hasMany or @belongsTo | will be optimized by combining the queries through the BatchLoader. | */
'batchload_relations' => true,
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Shortcut Foreign Key Selection |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | If set to true, Lighthouse will shortcut queries where the client selects only the | foreign key pointing to a related model. Only works if the related model's primary | key field is called exactly `id` for every type in your schema. | */
'shortcut_foreign_key_selection' => false,
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Non-Null Pagination Results |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | If set to true, the generated result type of paginated lists will be marked | as non-nullable. This is generally more convenient for clients, but will | cause validation errors to bubble further up in the result. | | This setting will be removed and always behave as if it were true in v6. | */
'non_null_pagination_results' => false,
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Unbox BenSampo\Enum\Enum instances |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | If set to true, Lighthouse will extract the internal $value from instances of | BenSampo\Enum\Enum before passing it to ArgBuilderDirective::handleBuilder(). | | This setting will be removed and always behave as if it were false in v6. | | It is only here to preserve compatibility, e.g. when expecting the internal | value to be passed to a scope when using @scope, but not needed due to Laravel | calling the Enum's __toString() method automagically when used in a query. | */
'unbox_bensampo_enum_enum_instances' => true,
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Shortcut Foreign Key Selection |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | If set to true, Lighthouse will shortcut queries where the client selects only the | foreign key pointing to a related model. Only works if the related model's primary | key field is called exactly `id` for every type in your schema. | */
'shortcut_foreign_key_selection' => false,
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Non-Null Pagination Results |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | If set to true, the generated result type of paginated lists will be marked | as non-nullable. This is generally more convenient for clients, but will | cause validation errors to bubble further up in the result. | | This setting will be removed and always behave as if it were true in v6. | */
'non_null_pagination_results' => false,
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Unbox BenSampo\Enum\Enum instances |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | If set to true, Lighthouse will extract the internal $value from instances of | BenSampo\Enum\Enum before passing it to ArgBuilderDirective::handleBuilder(). | | This setting will be removed and always behave as if it were false in v6. | | It is only here to preserve compatibility, e.g. when expecting the internal | value to be passed to a scope when using @scope, but not needed due to Laravel | calling the Enum's __toString() method automagically when used in a query. | */
'unbox_bensampo_enum_enum_instances' => true,
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | GraphQL Subscriptions |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you can define GraphQL subscription broadcaster and storage drivers | as well their required configuration options. | */
'subscriptions' => [ /* * Determines if broadcasts should be queued by default. */ 'queue_broadcasts' => env('LIGHTHOUSE_QUEUE_BROADCASTS', true),
/* * Determines the queue to use for broadcasting queue jobs. */ 'broadcasts_queue_name' => env('LIGHTHOUSE_BROADCASTS_QUEUE_NAME', null),
/* * Default subscription storage. * * Any Laravel supported cache driver options are available here. */ 'storage' => env('LIGHTHOUSE_SUBSCRIPTION_STORAGE', 'redis'),
/* * Default subscription storage time to live in seconds. * * Indicates how long a subscription can be active before it's automatically removed from storage. * Setting this to `null` means the subscriptions are stored forever. This may cause * stale subscriptions to linger indefinitely in case cleanup fails for any reason. */ 'storage_ttl' => env('LIGHTHOUSE_SUBSCRIPTION_STORAGE_TTL', null),
/* * Default subscription broadcaster. */ 'broadcaster' => env('LIGHTHOUSE_BROADCASTER', 'pusher'),
/* * Subscription broadcasting drivers with config options. */ 'broadcasters' => [ 'log' => [ 'driver' => 'log', ], 'pusher' => [ 'driver' => 'pusher', 'routes' => \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Subscriptions\SubscriptionRouter::class . '@pusher', 'connection' => 'pusher', ], 'echo' => [ 'driver' => 'echo', 'connection' => env('LIGHTHOUSE_SUBSCRIPTION_REDIS_CONNECTION', 'default'), 'routes' => \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Subscriptions\SubscriptionRouter::class . '@echoRoutes', ], ],
/* * Controls the format of the extensions response. * Allowed values: 1, 2 */ 'version' => env('LIGHTHOUSE_SUBSCRIPTION_VERSION', 1),
/* * Should the subscriptions extension be excluded when the response has no subscription channel? * This optimizes performance by sending less data, but clients must anticipate this appropriately. * Will default to true in v6 and be removed in v7. */ 'exclude_empty' => env('LIGHTHOUSE_SUBSCRIPTION_EXCLUDE_EMPTY', false), ],
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Defer |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Configuration for the experimental @defer directive support. | */
'defer' => [ /* * Maximum number of nested fields that can be deferred in one query. * Once reached, remaining fields will be resolved synchronously. * 0 means unlimited. */ 'max_nested_fields' => 0,
/* * Maximum execution time for deferred queries in milliseconds. * Once reached, remaining fields will be resolved synchronously. * 0 means unlimited. */ 'max_execution_ms' => 0, ],
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Apollo Federation |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Lighthouse can act as a federated service: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/federation/federation-spec. | */
'federation' => [ /* * Location of resolver classes when resolving the `_entities` field. */ 'entities_resolver_namespace' => 'App\\GraphQL\\Entities', ],