You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

320 lines
8.3 KiB

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:developer';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
import 'package:my_flutter_puzzle/application/states/puzzle_state.dart';
import 'package:my_flutter_puzzle/models/puzzle_data.dart';
import '../../utils/puzzle_solver.dart';
class PuzzleNotifier extends StateNotifier<PuzzleState> {
final PuzzleSolverClient _solverClient;
PuzzleNotifier(this._solverClient) : super(const PuzzleState());
// List<List<int>>? _board2D;
// List<int>? myList;
// int _moves = 0;
// final _puzzleSize = 3;
// final int _animationSpeedInMilliseconds = 300;
// bool _isComputing = false;
// bool _isAutoSolving = false;
// bool _isSolved = false;
// Map<int, FractionalOffset>? _offsetMap;
final List<int> _solvedList = [];
generateSolvedList() {
var _puzzleSize = _solverClient.size;
for (int i = 1; i < _puzzleSize * _puzzleSize; i++) {
generateInitialPuzzle() {
List<int> solvedList = [];
var _puzzleSize = _solverClient.size;
for (int i = 1; i < _puzzleSize * _puzzleSize; i++) {
final initialOffsetMap = createOffset(solvedList);
final initialPuzzleData = PuzzleData(
board2D: [],
board1D: solvedList,
offsetMap: initialOffsetMap,
moves: 0,
tiles: 0,
puzzleSize: _puzzleSize,
return initialPuzzleData;
restartPuzzle() async {
final initialPuzzle = generateInitialPuzzle();
state = PuzzleState.scrambling(initialPuzzle);
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
initializePuzzle(initialPuzzleData: initialPuzzle);
initializePuzzle({required PuzzleData initialPuzzleData}) {
state = const PuzzleState.initializing();
_solverClient.setSize = initialPuzzleData.puzzleSize;
int start = 0;
const period = Duration(milliseconds: 1200);
PuzzleData currentPuzzleData = initialPuzzleData;
currentPuzzleData = scrambleBoard(currentPuzzleData);
Timer.periodic(period, (Timer timer) async {
currentPuzzleData = scrambleBoard(currentPuzzleData);
if (start == 2) {
await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 1000));
state = PuzzleState.current(currentPuzzleData);
Map<int, FractionalOffset> createOffset(List<int> board) {
Map<int, FractionalOffset> offsetMap = {};
int j = 0;
log('BOARD: $board');
for (int i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {
var _puzzleSize = _solverClient.size;
final xMod = i % _puzzleSize;
double x = xMod / (_puzzleSize - 1);
if (x % i == 0 && i != 0) j++;
int yMod = j % _puzzleSize;
double y = yMod / (_puzzleSize - 1);
MapEntry<int, FractionalOffset>(
FractionalOffset(x, y),
log('INITIAL OFFSET MAP: $offsetMap');
return offsetMap;
onClick({required int index, required PuzzleData prev}) {
log('Tapped index: $index');
var board1D = prev.board1D;
var offsetMap = prev.offsetMap;
var _puzzleSize = prev.puzzleSize;
var _moves = prev.moves;
int emptyTilePosIndex = board1D.indexOf(0);
int emptyTilePosRow = emptyTilePosIndex ~/ _puzzleSize;
int emptyTilePosCol = emptyTilePosIndex % _puzzleSize;
int currentTileRow = index ~/ _puzzleSize;
int currentTileCol = index % _puzzleSize;
//current element moves up
if ((currentTileRow - 1 == emptyTilePosRow) &&
(currentTileCol == emptyTilePosCol)) {
board1D[emptyTilePosIndex] = board1D[index];
board1D[index] = 0;
//current element moves down
else if ((currentTileRow + 1 == emptyTilePosRow) &&
(currentTileCol == emptyTilePosCol)) {
board1D[emptyTilePosIndex] = board1D[index];
board1D[index] = 0;
//current element moves left
else if ((currentTileRow == emptyTilePosRow) &&
(currentTileCol + 1 == emptyTilePosCol)) {
board1D[emptyTilePosIndex] = board1D[index];
board1D[index] = 0;
//current element moves right
else if ((currentTileRow == emptyTilePosRow) &&
(currentTileCol - 1 == emptyTilePosCol)) {
board1D[emptyTilePosIndex] = board1D[index];
board1D[index] = 0;
} else {
if (currentTileCol == emptyTilePosCol) {
int low;
int high;
// multiple elements move up
if (emptyTilePosRow < currentTileRow) {
low = emptyTilePosRow;
high = currentTileRow;
int i = low;
while (i < high) {
board1D[(i * _puzzleSize) + emptyTilePosCol] =
board1D[(((i + 1) * _puzzleSize) + emptyTilePosCol)];
i += 1;
board1D[(high * _puzzleSize) + emptyTilePosCol] = 0;
//multiple elements move down
else {
low = emptyTilePosRow;
high = currentTileRow;
int i = low;
while (i > high) {
board1D[(i * _puzzleSize) + emptyTilePosCol] =
board1D[(((i - 1) * _puzzleSize) + emptyTilePosCol)];
i -= 1;
board1D[(high * _puzzleSize) + emptyTilePosCol] = 0;
// multiple elements move left or right
if (currentTileRow == emptyTilePosRow) {
int low;
int high;
// multiple elements move left
if (emptyTilePosCol < currentTileCol) {
low = emptyTilePosCol;
high = currentTileCol;
int i = low;
while (i < high) {
board1D[(emptyTilePosRow * _puzzleSize) + i] =
board1D[(emptyTilePosRow * _puzzleSize) + (i + 1)];
i += 1;
board1D[high + (emptyTilePosRow * _puzzleSize)] = 0;
//multiple elements move right
else {
low = emptyTilePosCol;
high = currentTileCol;
int i = low;
while (i > high) {
board1D[(i + (emptyTilePosRow * _puzzleSize))] =
board1D[(i - 1) + (emptyTilePosRow * _puzzleSize)];
i -= 1;
board1D[high + (emptyTilePosRow * _puzzleSize)] = 0;
updateOffset(board1D, _puzzleSize, offsetMap);
var tiles = calculateCorrectTiles(board: board1D);
PuzzleData updatedData = PuzzleData(
board2D: prev.board2D,
board1D: board1D,
offsetMap: offsetMap,
moves: _moves,
tiles: tiles,
puzzleSize: _puzzleSize,
state = PuzzleState.current(updatedData);
if (listEquals(board1D, _solvedList)) {
state = PuzzleState.solved(updatedData);
log('List: $board1D');
int calculateCorrectTiles({required List<int> board}) {
int correctTiles = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _solverClient.size * _solverClient.size; i++) {
if (board[i] != _solvedList[i] && board[i] != 0) {
return correctTiles;
void updateOffset(
List<int> board1D,
int size,
Map<int, FractionalOffset> offsetMap,
) {
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < board1D.length; i++) {
final xMod = i % size;
double x = xMod / (size - 1);
if (x % i == 0 && i != 0) j++;
int yMod = j % size;
double y = yMod / (size - 1);
offsetMap[board1D[i]] = FractionalOffset(x, y);
log('OFFSET MAP: $offsetMap');
log('BOARD: $board1D');
scrambleBoard(PuzzleData puzzleData) {
final generated2DBoard = _solverClient.createRandomBoard();
final generated1DBoard = _solverClient.convertTo1D(generated2DBoard);
updateOffset(generated1DBoard, puzzleData.puzzleSize, puzzleData.offsetMap);
var tiles = calculateCorrectTiles(board: generated1DBoard);
final newPuzzle = PuzzleData(
board2D: generated2DBoard,
board1D: generated1DBoard,
offsetMap: puzzleData.offsetMap,
moves: 0,
tiles: tiles,
puzzleSize: puzzleData.puzzleSize,
state = PuzzleState.scrambling(newPuzzle);
return newPuzzle;